REM Students Gain Valuable Experience at National Research Conference


A large team of summer camp participants and their graduate student mentors attended an emerging research conference in Washington, DC, presenting research they had conducted at the Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources (CISTAR), a U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Engineering Research Center (ERC) based at Purdue University.


Besides valuable experience presenting their research, students from NSF CISTAR’s annual Research and Experience Mentoring (REM) camp attended talks about the experience of being underrepresented in STEM by successful academics and businesspeople. They also attended professional development workshops and learned about career pathway opportunities.


As part of NSF CISTAR receiving an REM grant, attendees at the camp and their graduate student mentors are invited to attend the two-day Emerging Researchers National (ERN) conference in Washington D.C. to present their research. This year, NSF CISTAR sent a large team including all 10 REM students, 4 REM graduate mentors, and several NSF CISTAR administrators.

Students enjoyed presenting their research to academics, peers, industry professionals, and individuals representing non-profits and government agencies. Some 1,000 students attended the conference, with greater than 80 percent representing populations under-represented in engineering.



West Lafayette, Indiana


Start Year

Energy and Sustainability

Energy and Sustainability Icon
Energy and Sustainability Icon

Energy, Sustainability, and Infrastructure

Lead Institution

Purdue University

Core Partners

University of New Mexico, Northwestern University, University of Notre Dame, University of Texas at Austin


A large team of summer camp participants and their graduate student mentors attended an emerging research conference in Washington, DC, presenting research they had conducted at the Center for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources (CISTAR), a U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Engineering Research Center (ERC) based at Purdue University.


West Lafayette, Indiana


Start Year

Energy and Sustainability

Energy and Sustainability Icon
Energy and Sustainability Icon

Energy, Sustainability, and Infrastructure

Lead Institution

Purdue University

Core Partners

University of New Mexico, Northwestern University, University of Notre Dame, University of Texas at Austin


Besides valuable experience presenting their research, students from NSF CISTAR’s annual Research and Experience Mentoring (REM) camp attended talks about the experience of being underrepresented in STEM by successful academics and businesspeople. They also attended professional development workshops and learned about career pathway opportunities.


As part of NSF CISTAR receiving an REM grant, attendees at the camp and their graduate student mentors are invited to attend the two-day Emerging Researchers National (ERN) conference in Washington D.C. to present their research. This year, NSF CISTAR sent a large team including all 10 REM students, 4 REM graduate mentors, and several NSF CISTAR administrators.

Students enjoyed presenting their research to academics, peers, industry professionals, and individuals representing non-profits and government agencies. Some 1,000 students attended the conference, with greater than 80 percent representing populations under-represented in engineering.