Curriculum Innovations

One of the most effective and highly leveraged ways for ERCs to disseminate the “culture change” in engineering education is through the development of innovative new curricula based on their cross-disciplinary, complex systems-focused research. These include textbooks, new courses, course modules, minor concentrations and certificates, and entirely new degree programs. ERCs throughout the years have had a major impact on engineering curricula across the Nation, as the chart below indicates.

Recent achievements by ERCs in curriculum development are described here and here.

Full listing of all achievement related to Curriculum Innovations, Courses, and Course Modules can be found in the Achievements Library


One of the most effective and highly leveraged ways for ERCs to disseminate the “culture change” in engineering education is through the development of innovative new curricula based on their cross-disciplinary, complex systems-focused research. These include textbooks, new courses, course modules, minor concentrations and certificates, and entirely new degree programs. ERCs throughout the years have had a major impact on engineering curricula across the Nation, as the chart below indicates.

Recent achievements by ERCs in curriculum development are described here and here.

Full listing of all achievement related to Curriculum Innovations, Courses, and Course Modules can be found in the Achievements Library