International Collaboration Resources Portal

From the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Centers (ERCs)

International research collaborations help advance the frontiers of science and engineering. These types of collaborations are also vital in preparing a globally engaged US science and engineering (S&E) workforce. International collaborations represent an opportunity for the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) to:

  • Gain access to unique expertise, facilities, workforces, and phenomena
  • Leverage limited resources
  • Exchange insights and techniques
  • Address national, transnational, and global challenges
  • Nurture capable young researchers with strong networks overseas
  • Develop global perspectives in the US S&E workforce
  • Facilitate mobility and talent circulation globally.

The Center-to-Center (C2C) mechanism provides limited supplemental funding for active ERCs to engage in this type of international collaboration. The C2C mechanism represents one of several strategic opportunities for research collaboration between ERCs and global partners to advance knowledge and benefit society across international boundaries.

To facilitate the engagement of ERCs with international collaborators, and to provide a gateway for research centers world-wide, NSF partnered with VentureWell to develop a portal of resources to support these international collaborations. NSF supports the U.S. side of international collaboration. It is expected that foreign organizations will provide support for their researchers and/or centers.

News and Center Submission Information

From the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Centers (ERCs)

International research collaborations help advance the frontiers of science and engineering. These types of collaborations are also vital in preparing a globally engaged US science and engineering (S&E) workforce. International collaborations represent an opportunity for the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) to:

  • Gain access to unique expertise, facilities, workforces, and phenomena
  • Leverage limited resources
  • Exchange insights and techniques
  • Address national, transnational, and global challenges
  • Nurture capable young researchers with strong networks overseas
  • Develop global perspectives in the US S&E workforce
  • Facilitate mobility and talent circulation globally.

The Center-to-Center (C2C) mechanism provides limited supplemental funding for active ERCs to engage in this type of international collaboration. The C2C mechanism represents one of several strategic opportunities for research collaboration between ERCs and global partners to advance knowledge and benefit society across international boundaries.

To facilitate the engagement of ERCs with international collaborators, and to provide a gateway for research centers world-wide, NSF partnered with VentureWell to develop a portal of resources to support these international collaborations. NSF supports the U.S. side of international collaboration. It is expected that foreign organizations will provide support for their researchers and/or centers.

News and Center Submission Information