Featured ERC Student: Pablo Guimera Coll

Pablo Guimera Coll, an Arizona State University graduate student at the ASU-based QESST ERC (Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies), won the 2015 ERC Program-wide “Perfect Pitch” contest held in Washington, DC. He took home the $5,000 first prize and the Lynn Preston trophy for his talk on "Sound Assisted Low Temperature Wafering for Solar Energy."

Pablo was born in the Canary Islands, Spain. He received his B.Sc. in Materials Physics from Complutense University in Madrid before earning his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Physics at Kansas State University. During his Masters, his research was focused on the synthesis and reshaping of metal nanoparticles. This work resulted in the proposal, as a coauthor, of the patent "Direct Dissolution of Bulk Materials to Nanoparticles". In Fall 2015, Pablo enrolled in the Materials Science and Engineering PhD program at ASU and joined the Defect Engineering for Energy Conversion Technologies Lab, led by Dr. Bertoni, a QESST faculty member. His current research is focused on producing silicon wafers from the ingot using low temperatures and sound in the process. After receiving his PhD, Pablo is determined to make an impact in society by improving and expanding solar energy around the globe.


Pablo Guimera Coll, an Arizona State University graduate student at the ASU-based QESST ERC (Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies), won the 2015 ERC Program-wide “Perfect Pitch” contest held in Washington, DC. He took home the $5,000 first prize and the Lynn Preston trophy for his talk on "Sound Assisted Low Temperature Wafering for Solar Energy."

Pablo was born in the Canary Islands, Spain. He received his B.Sc. in Materials Physics from Complutense University in Madrid before earning his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Physics at Kansas State University. During his Masters, his research was focused on the synthesis and reshaping of metal nanoparticles. This work resulted in the proposal, as a coauthor, of the patent "Direct Dissolution of Bulk Materials to Nanoparticles". In Fall 2015, Pablo enrolled in the Materials Science and Engineering PhD program at ASU and joined the Defect Engineering for Energy Conversion Technologies Lab, led by Dr. Bertoni, a QESST faculty member. His current research is focused on producing silicon wafers from the ingot using low temperatures and sound in the process. After receiving his PhD, Pablo is determined to make an impact in society by improving and expanding solar energy around the globe.