Achievements Library

Title Center Achievement type Sector Achievement date
CQN Researcher Wins MacArthur Fellowship CQN Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Novel Method to Recover Nitrogen for Agriculture Fertilizer Developed by ERC CASFER Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Database Design Protects Citizen Privacy in Smart City Applications CS3 Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Comprehensive Testing to Speed Development of More Reliable Power Interconnects POETS Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Simulation Model Enables Study of Heat-Transfer Nanostructures POETS Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Besides Teaching Research, POETS Teaches How to Lead Industry Research POETS Education & Outreach Microelectronics and IT
ERC's Bio-inspired Deep Foundation Systems Provide Greater Shaft Resistance CBBG Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Tree Root Systems Inspire ERC's Development of Foundation and Retaining Systems CBBG Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Making Strides in Producing Life-saving Cardiac Patches CELL-MET Research Advances Biotechnology and Healthcare
New Models and Processes Simplify Analysis and Conversion of Natural Gas CISTAR Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
Success of Undergraduate Education Programs Leads to New Funding CISTAR Diversity & Culture of Inclusion Energy and Sustainability
Portable Intercultural Models (PIM) Help Student Navigate Foreign Cultures CISTAR Diversity & Culture of Inclusion Energy and Sustainability
CMaT Researchers Evaluate Tissue-Chip MSC Potency Assay CMaT Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing
CMaT ERC Achieves Integration of Imaging Modalities with Omics Characterization CMaT Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing
CMaT ERC partners with ISCT on Workforce Development Training Program CMaT Education & Outreach Advanced Manufacturing
Atlanta Technical College Awarded NSF-ATE Grant to Support Cell Manufacturing Curriculum CMaT Education & Outreach Advanced Manufacturing
Indium Tin Oxide: A Superconducting Material Enabling Quantum Readouts CQN Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Roadmap Helps Forecast Societal Impact of Tomorrow's Quantum Internet CQN Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Partnership Links UK Centers with US Partners in Researching Quantum Networks CQN Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
State Transfer to a Quantum Memory Across a 43 km Boston-Area Network CQN Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Boston-Area Testbed Demonstrates Quantum Networking Across Three Nodes CQN Research Advances Microelectronics and IT
Outreach Program's Innovations Include Traveling Van for Quantum Education CQN Education & Outreach Microelectronics and IT
Research Testbeds: Problem-Solving Tools for Long-term Power Grid Reliability CURENT Research Advances Energy and Sustainability
New Agile Manufacturing Tools ERC-HAMMER Research Advances Advanced Manufacturing
Materials Camp for Teachers ERC-HAMMER Education & Outreach Advanced Manufacturing