ERC for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power

Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing Icon
Advanced Manufacturing Icon

Advanced Manufacturing


Minneapolis Saint Paul

Lead Institution

University of Minnesota

Start Year

Fact Sheet

Core Partners

Center News and Achievements


Additional Information


The CCEFP is transforming fluid power. The Center has become a catalyst in energizing the fluid power industry and the technology's research community. As a direct consequence of CCEFP activities, the fluid power industry has now developed a research-technology roadmap.

Graduation Date

Education Web Page

Research Opportunities for Undergrads

Student Leadership Council

ERC for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power

Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing Icon
Advanced Manufacturing Icon

Advanced Manufacturing


Minneapolis Saint Paul

Lead Institution

University of Minnesota

Start Year


Fact Sheet

Core Partners


The CCEFP is transforming fluid power. The Center has become a catalyst in energizing the fluid power industry and the technology's research community. As a direct consequence of CCEFP activities, the fluid power industry has now developed a research-technology roadmap.

Graduation Date

Education Web Page

Research Opportunities for Undergrads

Student Leadership Council

Center News and Achievements


ERC for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power

Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing Icon
Advanced Manufacturing Icon

Advanced Manufacturing


Minneapolis Saint Paul

Lead Institution

University of Minnesota

Start Year

Fact Sheet

Core Partners

Center News and Achievements

Additional Information


The CCEFP is transforming fluid power. The Center has become a catalyst in energizing the fluid power industry and the technology's research community. As a direct consequence of CCEFP activities, the fluid power industry has now developed a research-technology roadmap.

Graduation Date

Education Web Page

Research Opportunities for Undergrads

Student Leadership Council
