Center for Advanced Engineering Fibers and Film

[an NSF Graduated Center]

Research Areas

Facilities & Resources

Rheology Shear rheometers for steady and dynamic measurements: ARES I ARES-LS2 with extensional viscosity fixture AR 2000 Rheometer Rheometrics ACER Capillary Rheometer with semi-hyperbolic dies for effective extensional viscosity measurements Fiber Spinning and Extrusion Piston-type, batch fiber dry-spinning and melt-spinning apparatus Lab-scale twin-screw 10 mm APV extruder Lab-scale Haake 3/4-inch extruder with metering pump and temperature-controlled extrusion head Lab-scale 1-inch biocomponent fiber extruder, with metering pump, temperature-controlled fiber extrusion head, secondary draw stage with heated draw rolls, Rheomix-600 intensive batch mixer Lab-scale wet-spinning system with fiber annealing ovens Film Extrusion 3/4” extruder with 4” and 8” dies to produce single-layer film Metering pump Temperature-controlled chill roll On-line measurements available: velocity, temperature DSM Xplore system to produce single-layer film Temperature capabilities to 350 °C Minimum 5 ml of polymer Film-Stretching System Uniaxial and sequential/simultaneous biaxial stretching Maximum stretching speed of 2 m/s Computer-controlled stretching of 3X Heating capabilities to 180 °C Ultrahigh Temperature Fiber Treatment Stabilization: Lab-scale fiber stabilization ovens (3) Carbonization Astro 1100 and 1000 carbonization furnaces, 2700°C capability) Red Devil'” Lab-scale carbonization/graphitization furnace, 2100°C capability Thermal Technology HP550 Ultrahigh Temperature Press, 10 tons, 2500°C MechanicalTesting Computer-controlled MTI single filament tensile testing apparatus ATS lever arm creep machine (24), temperature range to 800°F Dynatup instrumented impact data acquisition system Kawabata single fiber compression tester X-Ray Diffraction Rigaku On-Line X-Ray System with azimuthal scanning capability for crystalline orientation within carbon fibers Optical Microscopy Complete optical sample preparation equipment, including Buehler Model 11-1180 “Isomet” low-speed diamond cut-off saw Buehler “Ecomet II” Polisher Olympus BX60, BF/DF/polarizing microscope with Mettler Toledo FP 84 HT DSC cell for simultaneous thermal microscopy and DSC with Image Pro quantitative image analysis Electrical and Thermal Conductivity Electrometrics EMI Shielding fixture EM2107A Netzch LFA 447 thermal flash unit with axial and through-thickness fixtures Spectroscopy Renishaw System 100 portable Raman spectrometer and remote fiber optic probe Renishaw System 1000 Raman Microprobe spectrometer coupled to Leica microscope Thermal Analysis Perkin-Elmer DSC and TGA Pyris 1 Netzch 457 LFA Thermal Diffusivity Analyzer Separation Science Fractionation and Separation Parr stirred reactor vessels (50 mL, 1-liter, and 2-liter sizes), equipped with impellers and high-torque motors High pressure view cell. Designed and constructed at Clemson University. A windowed, see-through view cell of the Jerguson-gauge type with temperature and pressure capabilities to 400 °C and 350 bar High pressure, variable-volume view cells (2). Visual PVT cells with T and P capabilities to 190 °C/700 bar and 250 °C/700 bar (constructed at Clemson) Two multistage, packed-column extraction units. Designed and constructed at Clemson. T and P ratings of 400 °C and 210 bar. For processing and fractionating lignin polymers with both conventional and supercritical solvents on either a batch or continuous scale; also for generating narrow mol wt cuts of these materials as precursors for fiber spinning Precursor and Polymer Characterization Waters Alliance GPCV 2000 gel permeation chromatograph (GPC). High-temperature, preparative-scale GPC of lignin fractions for mol wt distribution determination of lignin fractions Bruker Daltonics Autoflex MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer. For determining the absolute mol wts of liginin species Field desorption mass spectrometry (FD-MS) and GC-MS; 1H-NMR, UV-vis, and FT-IR spectroscopy Electronic temperature controlled box furnace with nitrogen or air purge Buchi Rotary Evaporator The laboratories are also equipped with chemical hoods, general equipment for experimental procedures (glassware, Schlenk lines, solvent drying system, vacuum ovens, forced convection oven, stirrers, hotplates, vacuum pumps, glove box, centrifuge, ultrasonic bath, thermo-regulators, and analytical balances). Nicolet Avatar FTIR with ATR and DRIFTS Renishaw System 1000 Raman Microprobe spectrometer coupled to Leica microscope Wyatt Technologies dual Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering and Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering (MALLS – QELS) instrument Perkin-Elmer DSC Pyris 1 and TGA TA Instruments SDT-Q600 Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis Membrane Science Faculty contact: Prof. Scott Husson ( ÄKTA Purifier 100 with Desktop Control system and a system pump with four pump heads in two pump modules, mixer for precision gradient formation, variable multiwavelength UV-Vis detector, pH/conductivity flow cells and monitors, UNICORN software system, and fraction collector Beaglehole “Picometer” phase-modulated multi-angle ellipsometer with response times on the order of 1 millisecond and adsorbed mass sensitivity on the order of 2 ng/cm2 Veeco BioScope AFM with contact mode, tapping mode, phase imaging, and scanning-in-fluids capabilities, integrated with an Olympus IX51 inverted fluorescence microscope KRÜSS DSA10 contact angle instrument with Drop Shape Analysis System, four liquids, automated dosing, environmental chamber with constant temperature bath, and thin film sample holder. Tekmatic PipeJet Nanodispenser Hewlett-Packard 1100 Series HPLC with UV and IR detectors Numerous low- and high-pressure filtration cells Automated reverse osmosis and nanofiltration systems

Partner Organizations

Clemson University




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Dr. Amod Ogale

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(864) 656-1182


Center for Advanced Engineering Fibers and Films
Clemson University, 205 Earle Hall

[an NSF Graduated Center]




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Dr. Amod Ogale

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(864) 656-1182


Center for Advanced Engineering Fibers and Films
Clemson University, 205 Earle Hall

Research Areas

Facilities & Resources

Rheology Shear rheometers for steady and dynamic measurements: ARES I ARES-LS2 with extensional viscosity fixture AR 2000 Rheometer Rheometrics ACER Capillary Rheometer with semi-hyperbolic dies for effective extensional viscosity measurements Fiber Spinning and Extrusion Piston-type, batch fiber dry-spinning and melt-spinning apparatus Lab-scale twin-screw 10 mm APV extruder Lab-scale Haake 3/4-inch extruder with metering pump and temperature-controlled extrusion head Lab-scale 1-inch biocomponent fiber extruder, with metering pump, temperature-controlled fiber extrusion head, secondary draw stage with heated draw rolls, Rheomix-600 intensive batch mixer Lab-scale wet-spinning system with fiber annealing ovens Film Extrusion 3/4” extruder with 4” and 8” dies to produce single-layer film Metering pump Temperature-controlled chill roll On-line measurements available: velocity, temperature DSM Xplore system to produce single-layer film Temperature capabilities to 350 °C Minimum 5 ml of polymer Film-Stretching System Uniaxial and sequential/simultaneous biaxial stretching Maximum stretching speed of 2 m/s Computer-controlled stretching of 3X Heating capabilities to 180 °C Ultrahigh Temperature Fiber Treatment Stabilization: Lab-scale fiber stabilization ovens (3) Carbonization Astro 1100 and 1000 carbonization furnaces, 2700°C capability) Red Devil'” Lab-scale carbonization/graphitization furnace, 2100°C capability Thermal Technology HP550 Ultrahigh Temperature Press, 10 tons, 2500°C MechanicalTesting Computer-controlled MTI single filament tensile testing apparatus ATS lever arm creep machine (24), temperature range to 800°F Dynatup instrumented impact data acquisition system Kawabata single fiber compression tester X-Ray Diffraction Rigaku On-Line X-Ray System with azimuthal scanning capability for crystalline orientation within carbon fibers Optical Microscopy Complete optical sample preparation equipment, including Buehler Model 11-1180 “Isomet” low-speed diamond cut-off saw Buehler “Ecomet II” Polisher Olympus BX60, BF/DF/polarizing microscope with Mettler Toledo FP 84 HT DSC cell for simultaneous thermal microscopy and DSC with Image Pro quantitative image analysis Electrical and Thermal Conductivity Electrometrics EMI Shielding fixture EM2107A Netzch LFA 447 thermal flash unit with axial and through-thickness fixtures Spectroscopy Renishaw System 100 portable Raman spectrometer and remote fiber optic probe Renishaw System 1000 Raman Microprobe spectrometer coupled to Leica microscope Thermal Analysis Perkin-Elmer DSC and TGA Pyris 1 Netzch 457 LFA Thermal Diffusivity Analyzer Separation Science Fractionation and Separation Parr stirred reactor vessels (50 mL, 1-liter, and 2-liter sizes), equipped with impellers and high-torque motors High pressure view cell. Designed and constructed at Clemson University. A windowed, see-through view cell of the Jerguson-gauge type with temperature and pressure capabilities to 400 °C and 350 bar High pressure, variable-volume view cells (2). Visual PVT cells with T and P capabilities to 190 °C/700 bar and 250 °C/700 bar (constructed at Clemson) Two multistage, packed-column extraction units. Designed and constructed at Clemson. T and P ratings of 400 °C and 210 bar. For processing and fractionating lignin polymers with both conventional and supercritical solvents on either a batch or continuous scale; also for generating narrow mol wt cuts of these materials as precursors for fiber spinning Precursor and Polymer Characterization Waters Alliance GPCV 2000 gel permeation chromatograph (GPC). High-temperature, preparative-scale GPC of lignin fractions for mol wt distribution determination of lignin fractions Bruker Daltonics Autoflex MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer. For determining the absolute mol wts of liginin species Field desorption mass spectrometry (FD-MS) and GC-MS; 1H-NMR, UV-vis, and FT-IR spectroscopy Electronic temperature controlled box furnace with nitrogen or air purge Buchi Rotary Evaporator The laboratories are also equipped with chemical hoods, general equipment for experimental procedures (glassware, Schlenk lines, solvent drying system, vacuum ovens, forced convection oven, stirrers, hotplates, vacuum pumps, glove box, centrifuge, ultrasonic bath, thermo-regulators, and analytical balances). Nicolet Avatar FTIR with ATR and DRIFTS Renishaw System 1000 Raman Microprobe spectrometer coupled to Leica microscope Wyatt Technologies dual Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering and Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering (MALLS – QELS) instrument Perkin-Elmer DSC Pyris 1 and TGA TA Instruments SDT-Q600 Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis Membrane Science Faculty contact: Prof. Scott Husson ( ÄKTA Purifier 100 with Desktop Control system and a system pump with four pump heads in two pump modules, mixer for precision gradient formation, variable multiwavelength UV-Vis detector, pH/conductivity flow cells and monitors, UNICORN software system, and fraction collector Beaglehole “Picometer” phase-modulated multi-angle ellipsometer with response times on the order of 1 millisecond and adsorbed mass sensitivity on the order of 2 ng/cm2 Veeco BioScope AFM with contact mode, tapping mode, phase imaging, and scanning-in-fluids capabilities, integrated with an Olympus IX51 inverted fluorescence microscope KRÜSS DSA10 contact angle instrument with Drop Shape Analysis System, four liquids, automated dosing, environmental chamber with constant temperature bath, and thin film sample holder. Tekmatic PipeJet Nanodispenser Hewlett-Packard 1100 Series HPLC with UV and IR detectors Numerous low- and high-pressure filtration cells Automated reverse osmosis and nanofiltration systems

Partner Organizations

Clemson University