Center for Integrated Access Networks

[an NSF Graduated Center] The Center for Integrated Access Networks (CIAN) is a multi-institutional research effort consisting of the University of Arizona (Lead)and its partner institutions, the University of California at San Diego, the University of Southern California, the California Institute of Technology, the University of California at Berkeley, Columbia University, the University of California at Los Angeles, Norfolk State University and Tuskegee University. The vision of CIAN is to create transformative technologies for optical access networks where virtually any application requiring any resource can be seamlessly and efficiently aggregated and interfaced with existing and future core networks in a cost-effective manner. Analogous to the evolution over decades of today's computer laptop using massive integration of discrete electronic components, the CIAN vision would lead to the creation of the PC equivalent of the optical access network by employing optoelectronic integration to enable affordable and flexible access to any type of service, including delivery of data rates approaching 10 Gigabits/sec to a broad population base anywhere and at any time. CIAN’s mission is to realize manufacturable optoelectronic technologies, particularly network devices that employ silicon-based photonic integrated circuits, to create transformative communication networks that address emerging bottlenecks for data aggregation in regional networks and data centers. Creating transformative optoelectronic telecom technologies enabling optical access and aggregation networks where virtually any application requiring any resource can be seamlessly and efficiently aggregated and interfaced with existing and future core telecom/datacom networks in a cost effective manner The National Science Foundation has awarded a five-year, $18.5 million grant to establish an Engineering Research Center based at The University of Arizona. This research center entitled Center for Integrated Access Networks (CIAN) is focusing on removing one of the last bottlenecks in the Internet by developing optoelectronic technologies for high-bandwidth, low-cost, widespread access and aggregation networks. The vision of CIAN is to create the "PC" equivalent for the optical access and aggregation network. Transforming the costly discrete optoelectronic technologies of today's network into affordable, highly integrated optoelectronic subsystems that demonstrate novel optical network functionalities and infrastructure that enable heterogeneous services. CIAN's ultimate goal is to provide the technological foundation for an advanced optical network that simultaneously achieves efficient high data rate aggregation, to amortize the cost for end users, while providing the necessary flexibility to support diverse end user requirements. The development of these technologies is essential for delivery of single user data rates approaching 10 Gb per second and provision of the associated services to a broad population base regardless of the "last-mile" technology. Attainment of these goals will enable affordable, flexible access to any type of service to anybody, anywhere, at anytime.

Research Areas

The research of the CIAN Engineering Research Center will advance upon three major thrusts wherein interoperability of components will be proven via state-of-the-art testbeds, which will provide for cross-collaboration among system, sub-system, and device research efforts.
This thrust will act as the "top-down" driver for the development and integration of components and devices that will enable integrated subsystems, co-optimized to cost-effectively provide high-data rate services to the "curb" This thrust includes issues such as aggregation and access networks, cross-layer optimization, wavelength multicasting and ubiquitous monitoring. The projects in this thrust will enable and demonstrate numerous new network applications including ultra high-bandwidth data centers and immersive telepresence.
- Hybrid switching networks with
--- electronic packet switching for high-utilization of data links
--- optical circuit switching for guaranteed availability of service and ultra-high data capacity
--- application and impairment-awareness to optimize network resources and minimize power consumption—for data centers, metro networks, and inter-data center networks
- Programmable transmission and aggregation techniques utilizing software defined networking control for optical circuits and devices. Expanding the zone or radius of control for dynamic and agile networking through advanced monitoring and control methods
- Advanced modulation, coding, and aggregation schemes for increased link capacity, reduced error rates, and greater energy efficiency.
This thrust will explore signal conditioning, processing, reconfiguration, and control functions realized with various platforms including CMOS compatible nanostructures and silicon nanophotonics, and multifunctional integrated subsystems exploiting monolithic and heterogeneous integration.
- Manufacturable silicon photonic integrated circuits and systems on chip for high density, low-cost optical network technology.
- Agile optical networking technologies including gridless and flexible wavelength add-drop multiplexers and filters, tunable sources, and dynamic control and monitoring elements
- Space division multiplexing techniques on chip for high density, low power aggregation and switching and methods for coupling off chip to single or multimode fibers.
- New optical switching sub-systems including holographic switches and planar silicon photonic switches—focusing on higher speed and port density
This thrust will act as the scientific and technological foundation by conducting research on new materials, device technologies, processing and integration methods for chip-scale integrated optoelectronics.
- Electro-optic polymers for faster, scalable, and more energy-efficient switching.
- Material and fabrication studies to realize higher performance and fully silicon chip compatible telecom wavelength lasers and detectors
- Material and device structures to address critical challenges for silicon photonics including optical isolation and athermal operation
Silicon photonics is a major technology development in integrated optics, where the goal is to take the substantial manufacturing knowledge that exists for processing silicon for electronics and apply it to making integrated optical devices. There are many major corporations, start-up companies, and universities dedicated to realizing this vision and many products are now in the market place.
CIAN has focused its silicon photonics efforts on
1) identifying subsystems, such as optical add-drop nodes, that can be completely realized on a silicon photonic chip;
2) Realizing unique functionalities on a silicon chip, such as low insertion loss high port count optical switches and spatial mode switching;
3) Bringing new materials to the silicon photonic platform to provide improvements such as reduced thermal sensitivity as well as direct incorporation of III-V lasers
This research has essential applicability to the CIAN mission of creating the CIAN chip which will revolutionize the Internet as we know it. The CIAN chip and additional research into silicon photonics manufacturing, and specific component functionalities are all aspects of the research that will aim to create a more seamless, less expensive, and efficient Internet.
Silicon Photonics Manufacturing
Optical Switches
Spatial-Mode Switching
Athermal Optical Add-drop Multiplexers
Software Defined Networking Photonics
SDN is rapidly finding application in optical systems. Unlike other data networking platforms, however, optical systems are not programmable today. They involve complex engineering rules often compared to the design complexity of ‘analog’ electronics. To go along with chip-scale optical components we need ‘digital’ photonics with programmability of digital electronics. For communication systems this means realizing software defined networking photonics.
CIAN research is investigating methods of realizing programmability in optical systems at the deepest levels and focused on the latest integrated devices. This includes both hardware and software methods to simplify the control and increase the flexibility of optical systems. Photonic integrated monitoring components are used with programmable transceivers orchestrated by SDN controllers. We are building the tools to not only create new functionality, but also to prototype and test it.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations

University of Arizona
University of California - San Diego
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
University of Southern California (USC)
University of California at Los Angeles
University of California at Berkeley
Columbia University
Norfolk State University
Cornell University
Tuskegee University




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Dan Kilper

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(520) 626-9424


University of Arizona College of Optical Sciences
1630 East University Boulevard

[an NSF Graduated Center] The Center for Integrated Access Networks (CIAN) is a multi-institutional research effort consisting of the University of Arizona (Lead)and its partner institutions, the University of California at San Diego, the University of Southern California, the California Institute of Technology, the University of California at Berkeley, Columbia University, the University of California at Los Angeles, Norfolk State University and Tuskegee University. The vision of CIAN is to create transformative technologies for optical access networks where virtually any application requiring any resource can be seamlessly and efficiently aggregated and interfaced with existing and future core networks in a cost-effective manner. Analogous to the evolution over decades of today's computer laptop using massive integration of discrete electronic components, the CIAN vision would lead to the creation of the PC equivalent of the optical access network by employing optoelectronic integration to enable affordable and flexible access to any type of service, including delivery of data rates approaching 10 Gigabits/sec to a broad population base anywhere and at any time. CIAN’s mission is to realize manufacturable optoelectronic technologies, particularly network devices that employ silicon-based photonic integrated circuits, to create transformative communication networks that address emerging bottlenecks for data aggregation in regional networks and data centers. Creating transformative optoelectronic telecom technologies enabling optical access and aggregation networks where virtually any application requiring any resource can be seamlessly and efficiently aggregated and interfaced with existing and future core telecom/datacom networks in a cost effective manner The National Science Foundation has awarded a five-year, $18.5 million grant to establish an Engineering Research Center based at The University of Arizona. This research center entitled Center for Integrated Access Networks (CIAN) is focusing on removing one of the last bottlenecks in the Internet by developing optoelectronic technologies for high-bandwidth, low-cost, widespread access and aggregation networks. The vision of CIAN is to create the "PC" equivalent for the optical access and aggregation network. Transforming the costly discrete optoelectronic technologies of today's network into affordable, highly integrated optoelectronic subsystems that demonstrate novel optical network functionalities and infrastructure that enable heterogeneous services. CIAN's ultimate goal is to provide the technological foundation for an advanced optical network that simultaneously achieves efficient high data rate aggregation, to amortize the cost for end users, while providing the necessary flexibility to support diverse end user requirements. The development of these technologies is essential for delivery of single user data rates approaching 10 Gb per second and provision of the associated services to a broad population base regardless of the "last-mile" technology. Attainment of these goals will enable affordable, flexible access to any type of service to anybody, anywhere, at anytime.




United States



Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Dan Kilper

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


(520) 626-9424


University of Arizona College of Optical Sciences
1630 East University Boulevard

Research Areas

The research of the CIAN Engineering Research Center will advance upon three major thrusts wherein interoperability of components will be proven via state-of-the-art testbeds, which will provide for cross-collaboration among system, sub-system, and device research efforts.
This thrust will act as the "top-down" driver for the development and integration of components and devices that will enable integrated subsystems, co-optimized to cost-effectively provide high-data rate services to the "curb" This thrust includes issues such as aggregation and access networks, cross-layer optimization, wavelength multicasting and ubiquitous monitoring. The projects in this thrust will enable and demonstrate numerous new network applications including ultra high-bandwidth data centers and immersive telepresence.
- Hybrid switching networks with
--- electronic packet switching for high-utilization of data links
--- optical circuit switching for guaranteed availability of service and ultra-high data capacity
--- application and impairment-awareness to optimize network resources and minimize power consumption—for data centers, metro networks, and inter-data center networks
- Programmable transmission and aggregation techniques utilizing software defined networking control for optical circuits and devices. Expanding the zone or radius of control for dynamic and agile networking through advanced monitoring and control methods
- Advanced modulation, coding, and aggregation schemes for increased link capacity, reduced error rates, and greater energy efficiency.
This thrust will explore signal conditioning, processing, reconfiguration, and control functions realized with various platforms including CMOS compatible nanostructures and silicon nanophotonics, and multifunctional integrated subsystems exploiting monolithic and heterogeneous integration.
- Manufacturable silicon photonic integrated circuits and systems on chip for high density, low-cost optical network technology.
- Agile optical networking technologies including gridless and flexible wavelength add-drop multiplexers and filters, tunable sources, and dynamic control and monitoring elements
- Space division multiplexing techniques on chip for high density, low power aggregation and switching and methods for coupling off chip to single or multimode fibers.
- New optical switching sub-systems including holographic switches and planar silicon photonic switches—focusing on higher speed and port density
This thrust will act as the scientific and technological foundation by conducting research on new materials, device technologies, processing and integration methods for chip-scale integrated optoelectronics.
- Electro-optic polymers for faster, scalable, and more energy-efficient switching.
- Material and fabrication studies to realize higher performance and fully silicon chip compatible telecom wavelength lasers and detectors
- Material and device structures to address critical challenges for silicon photonics including optical isolation and athermal operation
Silicon photonics is a major technology development in integrated optics, where the goal is to take the substantial manufacturing knowledge that exists for processing silicon for electronics and apply it to making integrated optical devices. There are many major corporations, start-up companies, and universities dedicated to realizing this vision and many products are now in the market place.
CIAN has focused its silicon photonics efforts on
1) identifying subsystems, such as optical add-drop nodes, that can be completely realized on a silicon photonic chip;
2) Realizing unique functionalities on a silicon chip, such as low insertion loss high port count optical switches and spatial mode switching;
3) Bringing new materials to the silicon photonic platform to provide improvements such as reduced thermal sensitivity as well as direct incorporation of III-V lasers
This research has essential applicability to the CIAN mission of creating the CIAN chip which will revolutionize the Internet as we know it. The CIAN chip and additional research into silicon photonics manufacturing, and specific component functionalities are all aspects of the research that will aim to create a more seamless, less expensive, and efficient Internet.
Silicon Photonics Manufacturing
Optical Switches
Spatial-Mode Switching
Athermal Optical Add-drop Multiplexers
Software Defined Networking Photonics
SDN is rapidly finding application in optical systems. Unlike other data networking platforms, however, optical systems are not programmable today. They involve complex engineering rules often compared to the design complexity of ‘analog’ electronics. To go along with chip-scale optical components we need ‘digital’ photonics with programmability of digital electronics. For communication systems this means realizing software defined networking photonics.
CIAN research is investigating methods of realizing programmability in optical systems at the deepest levels and focused on the latest integrated devices. This includes both hardware and software methods to simplify the control and increase the flexibility of optical systems. Photonic integrated monitoring components are used with programmable transceivers orchestrated by SDN controllers. We are building the tools to not only create new functionality, but also to prototype and test it.

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations

University of Arizona
University of California - San Diego
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
University of Southern California (USC)
University of California at Los Angeles
University of California at Berkeley
Columbia University
Norfolk State University
Cornell University
Tuskegee University