Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development

GECAD is a research unit settled in the Institute of Engineering - Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP) having as mission the promotion and development of scientific research in the Knowledge and Decision Sciences domains, having Information Technologies as support. It involves 2 main areas: Intelligent Systems and Power Energy Systems. GECAD is known worldwide in its areas of research, leading some research domains. GECAD is coordinated by Prof. Maria Goreti Carvalho Marreiros, and recognized by FCT (Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation). 50 researchers are involved in GECAD, including 20 with PhD degree. It is the largest R&D unit from the Polytechnic sub-system of Portugal. GECAD was involved in more than 80 R&D projects (more than 20 on-going projects now) with external funding. We are one of the Portuguese R&D units with more success at this level. GECAD has a tremendous success in publications in important scientific journals; many special issues of these journals are edited by GECAD researchers. Understanding its responsibility for the Society development, GECAD has decided to adopt a new slogan: “Intelligence for a Sustainable, Safe, and Inclusive World”. For this reason, the most recent GECAD projects are applied to areas like Energy, Transportation, Environment, Economy, Inclusion, Critical Infrastructures, Security, Information Access and new ways of Socialization.

Research Areas

Intelligent Systems
Decision Support Systems, Manufacturing Planning, Emotion, Argumentation, Group Decision Support, Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous Computing, Context Awareness, Intelligent Interfaces, Accessibility, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision Emotion, Knowledge-based Systems, Ontologies, Semantic Web, Social Web, Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Neural Nets, Intelligent Agents, Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Power and Energy Systems
Power Systems Operation, Power Systems Control Centres support systems, Intelligent Alarm Processing, Fault Diagnosis, Service Restoration, Maintenance, Electricity and Gas Markets, Economic aspects of Energy, Renewable Sources, Distributed Generation, Virtual Power Producers

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations

Polytechnic Institute of Porto







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Maria Goreti Carvalho Marreiros

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


351 228 340 511


Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
R. Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431

GECAD is a research unit settled in the Institute of Engineering - Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP) having as mission the promotion and development of scientific research in the Knowledge and Decision Sciences domains, having Information Technologies as support. It involves 2 main areas: Intelligent Systems and Power Energy Systems. GECAD is known worldwide in its areas of research, leading some research domains. GECAD is coordinated by Prof. Maria Goreti Carvalho Marreiros, and recognized by FCT (Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation). 50 researchers are involved in GECAD, including 20 with PhD degree. It is the largest R&D unit from the Polytechnic sub-system of Portugal. GECAD was involved in more than 80 R&D projects (more than 20 on-going projects now) with external funding. We are one of the Portuguese R&D units with more success at this level. GECAD has a tremendous success in publications in important scientific journals; many special issues of these journals are edited by GECAD researchers. Understanding its responsibility for the Society development, GECAD has decided to adopt a new slogan: “Intelligence for a Sustainable, Safe, and Inclusive World”. For this reason, the most recent GECAD projects are applied to areas like Energy, Transportation, Environment, Economy, Inclusion, Critical Infrastructures, Security, Information Access and new ways of Socialization.







Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Maria Goreti Carvalho Marreiros

Contact Title


Contact E-Mail


General E-mail


351 228 340 511


Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
R. Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431

Research Areas

Intelligent Systems
Decision Support Systems, Manufacturing Planning, Emotion, Argumentation, Group Decision Support, Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous Computing, Context Awareness, Intelligent Interfaces, Accessibility, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision Emotion, Knowledge-based Systems, Ontologies, Semantic Web, Social Web, Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Neural Nets, Intelligent Agents, Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Power and Energy Systems
Power Systems Operation, Power Systems Control Centres support systems, Intelligent Alarm Processing, Fault Diagnosis, Service Restoration, Maintenance, Electricity and Gas Markets, Economic aspects of Energy, Renewable Sources, Distributed Generation, Virtual Power Producers

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations

Polytechnic Institute of Porto