Chapter 3: Research Management

3.5.1 Why Integration with Education?
3.5.2 Culture Change and Joint Responsibilities
3.5.3 Challenges
3.5.4 Opportunities
3.5.5 Case Study: Rapid Prototyping of Engineered Systems at the Quality-of-Life Technology (QoLT) ERC

3.6.1 Gen-3 ERC Features
3.6.2 Some Gen-3 Situations that Might Require Change from Past Best Practices
3.6.3 So What Is Needed?
3.6.4 Items of Particular Relevance

3.1.1 Overview
3.1.2 Background
3.1.3 The Importance of Research Thrust Leaders
3.1.4 Best Practices for Research Thrust Leaders
3.1.5 Chapter Roadmap

3.2.1 Strategic Planning is Important
3.2.2 Clearly Define Roles and Responsibilities
3.2.3 Capture the Components of a Good Plan.
3.2.4 Define a Structure for Adjusting the Plan
3.2.5 Ensure the Research Tasks Can be Accomplished with the Resources Allocated
3.2.6 Create a Transparent Organizational Structure
3.2.7 Examples Addressing the Three Levels Identifying Clear Goals and Milestones. Adequate Human and Dollar Resources Articulating Metrics

3.3.1 Executing the Strategic Plan is Vital
3.3.2 Create and Sustain Buy-In
3.3.3 Identify and Optimize Critical Paths
3.3.4 Establish Effective Communications within Thrust and with Rest of Center
3.3.5 Monitor Progress and Deliverables
3.3.6 Adopt Effective Management Styles and Strategies
3.3.7 The Issue of Compensation for Thrust Leaders
3.3.8 Examples of Adjustments to the Plan Changes to the Three-Plane Diagram Communication and Interrelationships Keeping the Entire ERC Team Coordinated An Important Element of Research Not Being Addressed Adequately Monitoring Progress and Deliverables

3.4.1 Why Integration with Industry?
3.4.2 Research Thrust Leader’s Role in Integration with Industry
3.4.3. Best Practices Regarding Portfolio Balance, Communication, and Roadblocks
3.4.4 Best Practices for Industrial Collaboration
3.4.5 Things to Avoid
3.4.6 Case Study: Project Mentor Program at the Center for Structured Organic Particulate Systems (C-SOPS) Industrial Roles
Lead Project Mentor
Individual Project Mentors Academic Roles
Project Leader
Project Participants (Faculty)