ARC Training Centre for Innovative Bioengineering

ADVANCED TRAINING To provide advanced training for upper level undergraduate students, graduate students, and professionals in advanced techniques and modern methods of technology DEVELOP AND SUPPORT STUDENTS To attract and provide financial assistance to outstanding students who have an interest in conducting field-oriented graduate research at the University of Sydney on Training Centre research in bio-engineering. HELP STUDENTS FIND THEIR PLACE To assist Training Centre students in finding employment in the public and private sector. --- A skilled workforce that will be empowered to transform the Australian medical devices industry. Develop innovative biomedical technology through research, creating a global competitive advantage. Enhance industry with the intellectual and technological capacity to develop safer, more reliable implants that will improve life quality. High-tech products that will yield economic benefits, reduction in costs associated with musculoskeletal conditions and implants tailored to the specific needs of individuals.

Research Areas

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations





East Asia Pacific

Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



ADVANCED TRAINING To provide advanced training for upper level undergraduate students, graduate students, and professionals in advanced techniques and modern methods of technology DEVELOP AND SUPPORT STUDENTS To attract and provide financial assistance to outstanding students who have an interest in conducting field-oriented graduate research at the University of Sydney on Training Centre research in bio-engineering. HELP STUDENTS FIND THEIR PLACE To assist Training Centre students in finding employment in the public and private sector. --- A skilled workforce that will be empowered to transform the Australian medical devices industry. Develop innovative biomedical technology through research, creating a global competitive advantage. Enhance industry with the intellectual and technological capacity to develop safer, more reliable implants that will improve life quality. High-tech products that will yield economic benefits, reduction in costs associated with musculoskeletal conditions and implants tailored to the specific needs of individuals.





East Asia Pacific

Primary Language


Evidence of Intl Collaboration?

Industry engagement required?

Associated Funding Agencies

Contact Name

Contact Title

Contact E-Mail


General E-mail



Research Areas

Facilities & Resources

Partner Organizations