Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) is a national research institution established in 1979 under the Science and Technology Ac Cap. 250 of the Laws of Kenya (now repealed and replaced by the Science, Technology & Innovation Act, 2013) and mandated to undertake multidisciplinary research and development in industrial and allied technologies including; Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Power Resources, Leather Technologies, Textile Technology, Industrial Chemistry Environment, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Food Technology, Ceramics and Clay Technologies, Information Communication & Technology (ICT) and Mining. The history of KIRDI dates back to 1942, when the then colonial government set a Central Laboratory at Kabete, Nairobi. The laboratory aim was to initiate and develop industries to relieve the industrial goods shortages occasioned by the Second World War. The laboratory was administered by the Kenya Industrial Management Board (KIMBO), As the laboratory expanded, it was renamed the East African Industrial Research Organization (EAIRO) and later, its management was taken over by the East African Community (EAC), EAIRO, the predecessor of present day KIRDI has Centres in; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, It however, ceased its operations in 1977, following the collapse of the then East African Community and In 1979 an act of Parliament establishing the National Council of Science and Technology (NCST) was amended to establish KIRDI and 5 other research Institutes. This act has been repealed and replaced with the STI Act 2013.
Research Areas
Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI) Department of KIRDI is in charge of undertaking multidisciplinary research and development in industrial and allied technologies.
Research forms the core business of the Institute and contributes significantly to development in all industrial and allied technologies through innovation, adoption, adaptation and transfer of technologies to support the industrial development process. The Institute's Research Scientists are the key players in research technology and innovation of industrial knowledge and technologies in areas such as: Engineering, Materials Science / Ceramics , Energy, Leather, Textile, Food Science & Technology, Microbiology, Information Science / Technology, Computer Engineering, Socio - Science / Economics and Environmental Sciences.
The Department is headed by a Deputy Director RTI with 10 divisions under it. The vision of the department is to be a center of excellence in applied research, technology and innovation. Our mission is to: apply science, technology and innovation that advance industrial research and development towards realization of vision 2030.
The RTI department is involved in the following:
Technology development and reverse engineering
Process and product development for value addition
To generate information geared towards policy formulation
To collaborate with other research and relevant bodies both locally and internationally
The following divisions fall under RTI department :
Food Technology
Environment Management
Leather and Textiles
Ceramics and Building Materials
ICT Research
Chemical Engineering
Project Studies
The division's vision is to enhance national and house-hold food security by way of reducing post-harvest food losses through development, adoption, adaptation and transfer of appropriate food processing and storage technologies. Its mission is to reduce post-harvest food losses through process and product development.
Develop, adapt and/or adopt and disseminate appropriate food processing technologies.
Minimize post-harvest food losses through promotion of processing and utilization of locally available traditional and horticultural foods to reduce dependency on food importation.
Train micro and small-scale enterprises [MSEs] to enable them produce quality and value added food products able to meet local demands and to penetrate the internationally competitive markets.
Create adequate human resources and technological capacity to cope with the demands of a rapidly growing food industry as Kenya moves towards NIC status.
Collaborate with local and international institutions, government ministries, donor community, non-governmental organizations [NGOs] Community based organizations [CBOs] etc in the commercialization of appropriate food processing technologies.
Providing other tailor-made technical services as per customers’ requirements.
Service Offered
Promotion of processing and utilization of traditional and horticultural food crops.
Providing consultancy and training services including HACCP training to the food industry [with particular emphasis on micro and small-scale enterprises MSMs.]
Development, adaptation and/or adoption and dissemination of appropriate food processing technologies.
Product and process development on pilot scale [at KIRDI] including limited production runs for market research and development of innovative products and processes.
Commercialization of technologies for processing traditional and horticultural food crops through setting up of pilot plants
The Environment Management Division is one of the research, technology and innovation (RTI) departments in KIRDI. The division undertakes environmental research and development and consultancy work for industry, community organizations, research institutions, and government agencies, among others in line with country’s Vision 2030. Technologies and innovations developed by the division are transferred through business incubation, development of pilot plants, and provision of common manufacturing facilities.
The vision of the division is to be a leading knowledge centre for environmental research, providing research and transfer of environmentally sustainable technologies that contributes to industrial and economic growth.
Mission: To collaborate with industry, community organizations, research institutions, government agencies and other development partners to undertake R&D programs and projects, and transfer knowledge and technologies for environmental management and sustainable development.
Core Functions:
The division undertakes research and development and technology transfer and training in the following areas:
Sustainable industrial processes, including biotechnology, construction materials, leather and textiles
Industrial ecology
Efficient use of natural resources including renewable energy sources, biodiversity, minerals and water
Waste management and pollution control in industry
Development of Environmental management policies that integrate biophysical, social and economic systems, with industrial processes. The aim is to balance environmental conservation and economic development to provide for human well-being
Environmental impact assessments and audits for industrial and other projects
Monitoring and evaluation, including environmental audits
Recent and Past Research Work in Environment Division
Spatial and temporal bioavailability assessment of Phosphorus (P) in Sondu Miriu River basin.
Development of a post consumer plastic waste washing machine
Development of effluent treatment technologies for leather tanning facilities
Production of Biogas from the water hyacinth plant
Development and Production of Lime Saturate for the liming method in Nzoia Sugar Company
Production of activated carbon from bagasse and water hyacinth plant
Utilization of activated carbon for waste water treatment.
Development of gas stove utilizing agricultural wastes
Development of improved stoves for clean development mechanism (CDM) projects
Evaluation and Development of Occupation Safety and Health systems in metal fabrication small and micro enterprises (SME’s)
Mapping out and calculating carbon footprints
The Division is actively involved in the areas of Chemical Engineering, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil, Engineering, Power Resources and other allied technology areas. The division's missionis to develop strong, competitive and self-sustaining engineering capacity for poverty alleviation, job creation and industrial growth.
The Division through its disciplinary areas undertakes the following activities to fulfill it mission or the industrial and allied sectors.
Product and Process Development: Carry out Research and Development (R & D) on products and processes for the industrial sector.
Technology Transfer: Identify, adopt and diffuse technologies to the engineering, chemical and allied industries both in terms of acquisition and technology management
Training: Training of the small and medium scale entrepreneurs in manufacturing processes.
Services and Consultancies
The Division carries out the following services and consultancies very competitively and to the customer’s satisfaction:
Equipment design and fabrication.
Plant management, appraisal and monitoring in terms of optimal utilization resource.
Advice on upgrading of both new and old chemical Indus trial plants.
Plant inception, design, fabrication, installations and commissioning.
Advice on rejuvenation and rationalization of processes already in use.
Quality control.
Energy audit
Process Safety
Energy monitoring software, Industrial Control Systems Renewable Energy Systems
Textiles division undertakes demand driven textile technology research, development and innovation and disseminates findings to the Kenyan textile industry and other stakeholders. This includes, but not limited to; fibre and composite materials development, textile product design and development, textile machine design and development, textile processing technology development, textile testing and quality control technology development. The division is in the process of setting up state of the art infrastructure that will include physical and chemical textile testing laboratories and pilot plants for testing, piloting and demonstrating new technologies and products developed.
The division’s main objective is to ensure regional and global competitiveness of the Kenyan textile industry by embracing modern technology in textile raw materials development, textile products design and manufacturing and in quality assurance and environmental compliance. The division endeavours to fulfil the institute’s commitment to the customers as stipulated under KIRDI’s service delivery chatter as well as upholding the institute’s corporate values.
Vision: To become a centre of excellence in textile technology research, development and innovation.
Mission: To ensure that the Kenyan textile industry is competitive regionally and globally through undertaking demand driven textile technology research, development and innovation.
Division’s strategic focus
Development and manufacture of high quality woven and knitted cotton and cotton blend fabrics for local and regional apparel industries
Development and manufacture of natural fibre based packaging materials to replace synthetic plastics
Development of appropriate technologies to build productivity and product quality capacities of textile MSMEs
Elimination of technical barriers of trade (Quality standards and environmental compliance) hindering Kenyan textile products from entering export markets.
Value addition to local grown natural fibres such as Cotton, Sisal, Roselle, Coir, Banana fibre, Pineapple leaves, Wool etc.
Development and manufacture of natural dyes and pigments from locally grown plants to replace synthetic dyes and pigments
Development and manufacture of textile composite materials for medical and industrial applications
Divisional functional sections
The work under this division in grouped into 4 functional sections as follows:
Fibre and composite materials development
Textile processing (process and machine development for spinning, weaving, knitting, non-woven manufacture, dyeing, printing, finishing and clothing technologies)
Textile product design and development
Quality assurance and Environmental compliance
Services Offered:
The division carries out the following services at very competitive fees:
Textile Technology Needs Assessment
Textile Technology/Product Feasibility Studies
Textile Testing
Textile Testing Laboratory Development
Textile Manufacturing Plant Feasibility Studies, Design, Assembly and Commissioning
Textile Enterprise Incubation
Product Design and Development Training
Technology/Product Commercialization Strategy Development and Implementation
Textile Manufacturing Process Re-engineering
Design and Implementation of Environment Management System for Textile Industries
Design and Implementation of Quality Management Systems for Textile Industries
Supervision, Training, Piloting and Implementation of projects for researchers and innovators from Universities and other Institutions of Higher Learning, Non Governmental Organizations, Community Development Organizations, Private Companies and Individuals.
Ceramics and Building materials division's vision is to become a centre of reference for industrial Research and Development in the Mineral Resources Sub-sector. The division's activities / functions include:
Product and Process Development
Carry out Research and Development of processes and products for the sub-sectors.
Technology transfer
Identify, adopt and diffuse technologies to the sub-sectors.
Training of the small and medium scale entrepreneurs in manufacturing process for Mineral resource and related industries is also offered. Through technology dissemination, we hold workshops and conferences for the sub-sectors.
Services and Consultancies
The division also carries out the following services and consultancies at very competitive, negotiable rates:
Technology Needs Assessment
Technology Feasibility Studies
Environmental Impact assessments/audits
Environmental control
Energy audit
Process Safety and improvement
Kiln design, construction and commissioning
ICT research division is mandated with the carrying out of industrial research in the field of Information Communication Technology, under the department of Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI). In ICT research, it is understood that research forms the core business of the Institute and contributes significantly to development in all industrial and allied technologies through innovation, adoption, adaptation and transfer of technologies to surport the industrial development process.
ICT Operations
ICT Operations division is tasked with the responsibility to provide; policy direction on ICT systems use, carry out system analysis, design & program specifications in liaison with the users, develop, implement & maintain systems, ensure adherence to established ICT standards, compile overall systems documentation, supervise installation certification, advice on all ICT related issues, carry out repair & maintenance of all ICT equipment & associated peripherals, recommend and supervise hardware / software specifications for ICT equipment, provide user support including staff training, ensure availability, security, confidentiality and integrity of Information & ICT infrastructure and schedule preventive maintenance of all ICT equipment in the Institute.
The energy division is charged with the responsibility of researching, designing and developing energy efficient technologies as well as championing the growth of bio-fuels and renewable energies as alternative sources of energy.
Current energy ongoing projects
Analysis of biogas feedstock and digestive characteristics (with NASKEO an Environment company from France)
Energy Auditing of walk-through category for KIRDI south C
Production process for fuel bioethanol from coffee pulp for cooking
Partnerships and MOU's of KIRDI with:
NASKEO Environment
Ministry of Environment and Forestry under Low Emission Climate Resilient Development (LECRD) programme of the USAID
Global Alliance for Clean Cook stoves (GACC)
Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture (BIOMA) upcoming
UNIDO on the Information and Best Practice Platform (IBPP) upcoming
Consultancy training
Energy Auditing
Cook-stoves testing
Biogas plants installation, upcoming
Chemical engineering division deals in the research and development of processes that convert raw materials into intermediate and finished products (value addition). Our mission is to develop processes for new/ improved value added products from local materials and transfer of developed technologies in commodity and specialty chemicals. Our vision is to be a centre of excellence for industrial research and development in chemical engineering and allied processes.
Capacity building programs
Extraction of essential oils, gum resin and oils from oil seeds.
Technology for the manufacture of soaps, detergents and other hygiene products.
Technology for the manufacture of cosmetic products including body creams, lotions & hair products.
Alcohol production technology.
Technology for the processing of wood and metal varnish.
Aloe gel extraction and juice.
Technology for formulation of animal feeds.
Services offered
Common manufacturing facilities.
Capacity building (trainings, workshops, student attachments and internships etc).
Business incubation (product development, improvement).
Consultancy services.
Monitoring and evaluation.
Leather is one of the key areas in which KIRDI is mandated to undertake research and development and technology transfer of the technologies so far developed. The division undertakes research and development and disseminates findings in all aspects of leather technology including machinery for leather, tanning processes, quality control and effluent treatment. Research activities in the division are supported by leather physical and chemical testing laboratory located within the institute.
The division’s main objective is create global partnership for industrial development as articulated in MDG 8. It endeavors to implement the entire relevant requirement under the service delivery chatter as well as activities stipulated in the KIRDI strategic plan and aims at improving the performance of the leather sub sector through enhanced market driven research and technological development.
Vision: To become a world class resource centre in Leather tanning technologies.
Mission: To undertake market driven research that offer solutions to the leather industry.
Areas of competencies
Fish Leather Technology: This involves intensive research in collaboration with UNIDO in fish skin utilisation especially on preservation, tanning and product development.
Leather processing and technologies: Intensive research is on processing and manufacturing processes and improved technologies (through reverse engineering and prototype development) with the aim of improving efficiencies and productivity, as well as value addition and product diversification. The development of the KIRDI’s tanning drum hinges on this technological innovation.
Quality Assurance/Control: This involves laboratory testing and analysis for leather and leather related products so that they can compete nationally and internationally. This helps the tanneries to secure markets for their products since they have access to testing facilities to boost their quality confidence for their clients.
Consultancy: This involves provision of information and skills in areas of competence and expertise. We offer consultancy to KIRDI staff, government and private sector in leather related fields.
Incubation services: This is a process that supports entrepreneurs and start up technology based enterprises in the development, assimilation, absorption, and utilization of requisite technology to accelerate their successful development. Alongside the provision of the technical support, business development support is also provided. In this end the leather division is supporting the Mini tannery concept of establishing mini tanneries in high livestock potential areas of Kenya to add value to hides and skins and boost local employment.
Services and Consultancies
The division carries out the following specialized leather services and consultancies at very competitive fees:
Technology Needs Assessment
Technology Feasibility Studies
Environmental Impact assessments
Environmental control
Energy audit
Process Safety
Project Studies is a division providing support services to KIRDI’s technical divisions and the Kenyan industry generally. It Supports technology transfer and facilitates investment through consultancy on individual, group and community projects. Some of its products include Opportunity Studies, Feasibility Studies, Business Plans, Market Studies, and Rehabilitation Studies.
The division essentially focuses on the following activities:
Supporting R&D activities in the institution through
Preparation for data collection and data analysis
Training on Project planning and research methods
Carrying out economic reviews on productive sectors including Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs).
Undertaking socio - economic surveys before technology transfers are done
Undertaking market and feasibility studies and preparation of business plans,
Undertaking monitoring and evaluation of transferred technologies
The division undertakes collaborative research with other institutions and development partners. It also undertakes consultancies in areas of interest either alone or together with the technical divisions. Consultancies are cost shared with clients according to the institution guidelines on consultancy rates.
Facilities & Resources
ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT & SERVICES Provides specialized engineering and technical support to local Industries in the metal and metal products sub-sector, particularly MSMIs Designing, development and reconditioning tools, dies, jigs and fixtures Designing, development and manufacturing industrial plants and machine prototypes Testing and quality assurance services Training courses in specialized engineering skills Technical Consultancy and extension services to industries LEATHER DEVELOPMENT CENTRE The Institute has a fully-fledged production tannery, and leather good unit and effluent treatment plant. This is intended to facilitate sustainable national growth of the leather industry through technology adaptation and transfer as well as serving as common manufacturing facility services offered include; Capacity building, incubation, and common manufacturing services Development and transfer of new leather technologies and products Training and demonstration of effluent treatment processes Technical consultancy and extension service to industry Exotic leather technologies (Fish, Crocodile, Ostrich, rabbit Leather) Fabrication of turning drums LABORATORY SERVICES CENTRE (LSC) The LSCs mission is to enhance quality and productivity in local industries; with particular focus on MSMIs to enable them attain and sustain international competitiveness. It strength lies in the testing and analysis of water, waste water, food, animal feeds, chemicals, leather, textiles, minerals and related materials. FOOD PROCESSING PILOT PLANTS For availing and promoting the food processing technologies so as to create sustainable live hood for Kenyans, contribute to employment creation and poverty reduction. The processing technologies available include: Fruit and Vegetable Technology Cereal Processing Technologies Roots and Tuber Crops Processing Technologies
Partner Organizations
Abbreviation |
Country |
Region |
Africa/Near East/S.Asia
Primary Language |
Evidence of Intl Collaboration? |
Industry engagement required? |
Associated Funding Agencies |
Contact Name |
Contact Title |
Contact E-Mail |
Website |
General E-mail |
Phone |
Address |
P.O. Box 30650 – 00100
Popo Road off Mombasa Road, South C
254 20 23 88 216
Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) is a national research institution established in 1979 under the Science and Technology Ac Cap. 250 of the Laws of Kenya (now repealed and replaced by the Science, Technology & Innovation Act, 2013) and mandated to undertake multidisciplinary research and development in industrial and allied technologies including; Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Power Resources, Leather Technologies, Textile Technology, Industrial Chemistry Environment, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Food Technology, Ceramics and Clay Technologies, Information Communication & Technology (ICT) and Mining. The history of KIRDI dates back to 1942, when the then colonial government set a Central Laboratory at Kabete, Nairobi. The laboratory aim was to initiate and develop industries to relieve the industrial goods shortages occasioned by the Second World War. The laboratory was administered by the Kenya Industrial Management Board (KIMBO), As the laboratory expanded, it was renamed the East African Industrial Research Organization (EAIRO) and later, its management was taken over by the East African Community (EAC), EAIRO, the predecessor of present day KIRDI has Centres in; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, It however, ceased its operations in 1977, following the collapse of the then East African Community and In 1979 an act of Parliament establishing the National Council of Science and Technology (NCST) was amended to establish KIRDI and 5 other research Institutes. This act has been repealed and replaced with the STI Act 2013.
Abbreviation |
Country |
Region |
Africa/Near East/S.Asia
Primary Language |
Evidence of Intl Collaboration? |
Industry engagement required? |
Associated Funding Agencies |
Contact Name |
Contact Title |
Contact E-Mail |
Website |
General E-mail |
Phone |
Address |
P.O. Box 30650 – 00100
Popo Road off Mombasa Road, South C
254 20 23 88 216
Research Areas
Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI) Department of KIRDI is in charge of undertaking multidisciplinary research and development in industrial and allied technologies.
Research forms the core business of the Institute and contributes significantly to development in all industrial and allied technologies through innovation, adoption, adaptation and transfer of technologies to support the industrial development process. The Institute's Research Scientists are the key players in research technology and innovation of industrial knowledge and technologies in areas such as: Engineering, Materials Science / Ceramics , Energy, Leather, Textile, Food Science & Technology, Microbiology, Information Science / Technology, Computer Engineering, Socio - Science / Economics and Environmental Sciences.
The Department is headed by a Deputy Director RTI with 10 divisions under it. The vision of the department is to be a center of excellence in applied research, technology and innovation. Our mission is to: apply science, technology and innovation that advance industrial research and development towards realization of vision 2030.
The RTI department is involved in the following:
Technology development and reverse engineering
Process and product development for value addition
To generate information geared towards policy formulation
To collaborate with other research and relevant bodies both locally and internationally
The following divisions fall under RTI department :
Food Technology
Environment Management
Leather and Textiles
Ceramics and Building Materials
ICT Research
Chemical Engineering
Project Studies
The division's vision is to enhance national and house-hold food security by way of reducing post-harvest food losses through development, adoption, adaptation and transfer of appropriate food processing and storage technologies. Its mission is to reduce post-harvest food losses through process and product development.
Develop, adapt and/or adopt and disseminate appropriate food processing technologies.
Minimize post-harvest food losses through promotion of processing and utilization of locally available traditional and horticultural foods to reduce dependency on food importation.
Train micro and small-scale enterprises [MSEs] to enable them produce quality and value added food products able to meet local demands and to penetrate the internationally competitive markets.
Create adequate human resources and technological capacity to cope with the demands of a rapidly growing food industry as Kenya moves towards NIC status.
Collaborate with local and international institutions, government ministries, donor community, non-governmental organizations [NGOs] Community based organizations [CBOs] etc in the commercialization of appropriate food processing technologies.
Providing other tailor-made technical services as per customers’ requirements.
Service Offered
Promotion of processing and utilization of traditional and horticultural food crops.
Providing consultancy and training services including HACCP training to the food industry [with particular emphasis on micro and small-scale enterprises MSMs.]
Development, adaptation and/or adoption and dissemination of appropriate food processing technologies.
Product and process development on pilot scale [at KIRDI] including limited production runs for market research and development of innovative products and processes.
Commercialization of technologies for processing traditional and horticultural food crops through setting up of pilot plants
The Environment Management Division is one of the research, technology and innovation (RTI) departments in KIRDI. The division undertakes environmental research and development and consultancy work for industry, community organizations, research institutions, and government agencies, among others in line with country’s Vision 2030. Technologies and innovations developed by the division are transferred through business incubation, development of pilot plants, and provision of common manufacturing facilities.
The vision of the division is to be a leading knowledge centre for environmental research, providing research and transfer of environmentally sustainable technologies that contributes to industrial and economic growth.
Mission: To collaborate with industry, community organizations, research institutions, government agencies and other development partners to undertake R&D programs and projects, and transfer knowledge and technologies for environmental management and sustainable development.
Core Functions:
The division undertakes research and development and technology transfer and training in the following areas:
Sustainable industrial processes, including biotechnology, construction materials, leather and textiles
Industrial ecology
Efficient use of natural resources including renewable energy sources, biodiversity, minerals and water
Waste management and pollution control in industry
Development of Environmental management policies that integrate biophysical, social and economic systems, with industrial processes. The aim is to balance environmental conservation and economic development to provide for human well-being
Environmental impact assessments and audits for industrial and other projects
Monitoring and evaluation, including environmental audits
Recent and Past Research Work in Environment Division
Spatial and temporal bioavailability assessment of Phosphorus (P) in Sondu Miriu River basin.
Development of a post consumer plastic waste washing machine
Development of effluent treatment technologies for leather tanning facilities
Production of Biogas from the water hyacinth plant
Development and Production of Lime Saturate for the liming method in Nzoia Sugar Company
Production of activated carbon from bagasse and water hyacinth plant
Utilization of activated carbon for waste water treatment.
Development of gas stove utilizing agricultural wastes
Development of improved stoves for clean development mechanism (CDM) projects
Evaluation and Development of Occupation Safety and Health systems in metal fabrication small and micro enterprises (SME’s)
Mapping out and calculating carbon footprints
The Division is actively involved in the areas of Chemical Engineering, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil, Engineering, Power Resources and other allied technology areas. The division's missionis to develop strong, competitive and self-sustaining engineering capacity for poverty alleviation, job creation and industrial growth.
The Division through its disciplinary areas undertakes the following activities to fulfill it mission or the industrial and allied sectors.
Product and Process Development: Carry out Research and Development (R & D) on products and processes for the industrial sector.
Technology Transfer: Identify, adopt and diffuse technologies to the engineering, chemical and allied industries both in terms of acquisition and technology management
Training: Training of the small and medium scale entrepreneurs in manufacturing processes.
Services and Consultancies
The Division carries out the following services and consultancies very competitively and to the customer’s satisfaction:
Equipment design and fabrication.
Plant management, appraisal and monitoring in terms of optimal utilization resource.
Advice on upgrading of both new and old chemical Indus trial plants.
Plant inception, design, fabrication, installations and commissioning.
Advice on rejuvenation and rationalization of processes already in use.
Quality control.
Energy audit
Process Safety
Energy monitoring software, Industrial Control Systems Renewable Energy Systems
Textiles division undertakes demand driven textile technology research, development and innovation and disseminates findings to the Kenyan textile industry and other stakeholders. This includes, but not limited to; fibre and composite materials development, textile product design and development, textile machine design and development, textile processing technology development, textile testing and quality control technology development. The division is in the process of setting up state of the art infrastructure that will include physical and chemical textile testing laboratories and pilot plants for testing, piloting and demonstrating new technologies and products developed.
The division’s main objective is to ensure regional and global competitiveness of the Kenyan textile industry by embracing modern technology in textile raw materials development, textile products design and manufacturing and in quality assurance and environmental compliance. The division endeavours to fulfil the institute’s commitment to the customers as stipulated under KIRDI’s service delivery chatter as well as upholding the institute’s corporate values.
Vision: To become a centre of excellence in textile technology research, development and innovation.
Mission: To ensure that the Kenyan textile industry is competitive regionally and globally through undertaking demand driven textile technology research, development and innovation.
Division’s strategic focus
Development and manufacture of high quality woven and knitted cotton and cotton blend fabrics for local and regional apparel industries
Development and manufacture of natural fibre based packaging materials to replace synthetic plastics
Development of appropriate technologies to build productivity and product quality capacities of textile MSMEs
Elimination of technical barriers of trade (Quality standards and environmental compliance) hindering Kenyan textile products from entering export markets.
Value addition to local grown natural fibres such as Cotton, Sisal, Roselle, Coir, Banana fibre, Pineapple leaves, Wool etc.
Development and manufacture of natural dyes and pigments from locally grown plants to replace synthetic dyes and pigments
Development and manufacture of textile composite materials for medical and industrial applications
Divisional functional sections
The work under this division in grouped into 4 functional sections as follows:
Fibre and composite materials development
Textile processing (process and machine development for spinning, weaving, knitting, non-woven manufacture, dyeing, printing, finishing and clothing technologies)
Textile product design and development
Quality assurance and Environmental compliance
Services Offered:
The division carries out the following services at very competitive fees:
Textile Technology Needs Assessment
Textile Technology/Product Feasibility Studies
Textile Testing
Textile Testing Laboratory Development
Textile Manufacturing Plant Feasibility Studies, Design, Assembly and Commissioning
Textile Enterprise Incubation
Product Design and Development Training
Technology/Product Commercialization Strategy Development and Implementation
Textile Manufacturing Process Re-engineering
Design and Implementation of Environment Management System for Textile Industries
Design and Implementation of Quality Management Systems for Textile Industries
Supervision, Training, Piloting and Implementation of projects for researchers and innovators from Universities and other Institutions of Higher Learning, Non Governmental Organizations, Community Development Organizations, Private Companies and Individuals.
Ceramics and Building materials division's vision is to become a centre of reference for industrial Research and Development in the Mineral Resources Sub-sector. The division's activities / functions include:
Product and Process Development
Carry out Research and Development of processes and products for the sub-sectors.
Technology transfer
Identify, adopt and diffuse technologies to the sub-sectors.
Training of the small and medium scale entrepreneurs in manufacturing process for Mineral resource and related industries is also offered. Through technology dissemination, we hold workshops and conferences for the sub-sectors.
Services and Consultancies
The division also carries out the following services and consultancies at very competitive, negotiable rates:
Technology Needs Assessment
Technology Feasibility Studies
Environmental Impact assessments/audits
Environmental control
Energy audit
Process Safety and improvement
Kiln design, construction and commissioning
ICT research division is mandated with the carrying out of industrial research in the field of Information Communication Technology, under the department of Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI). In ICT research, it is understood that research forms the core business of the Institute and contributes significantly to development in all industrial and allied technologies through innovation, adoption, adaptation and transfer of technologies to surport the industrial development process.
ICT Operations
ICT Operations division is tasked with the responsibility to provide; policy direction on ICT systems use, carry out system analysis, design & program specifications in liaison with the users, develop, implement & maintain systems, ensure adherence to established ICT standards, compile overall systems documentation, supervise installation certification, advice on all ICT related issues, carry out repair & maintenance of all ICT equipment & associated peripherals, recommend and supervise hardware / software specifications for ICT equipment, provide user support including staff training, ensure availability, security, confidentiality and integrity of Information & ICT infrastructure and schedule preventive maintenance of all ICT equipment in the Institute.
The energy division is charged with the responsibility of researching, designing and developing energy efficient technologies as well as championing the growth of bio-fuels and renewable energies as alternative sources of energy.
Current energy ongoing projects
Analysis of biogas feedstock and digestive characteristics (with NASKEO an Environment company from France)
Energy Auditing of walk-through category for KIRDI south C
Production process for fuel bioethanol from coffee pulp for cooking
Partnerships and MOU's of KIRDI with:
NASKEO Environment
Ministry of Environment and Forestry under Low Emission Climate Resilient Development (LECRD) programme of the USAID
Global Alliance for Clean Cook stoves (GACC)
Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture (BIOMA) upcoming
UNIDO on the Information and Best Practice Platform (IBPP) upcoming
Consultancy training
Energy Auditing
Cook-stoves testing
Biogas plants installation, upcoming
Chemical engineering division deals in the research and development of processes that convert raw materials into intermediate and finished products (value addition). Our mission is to develop processes for new/ improved value added products from local materials and transfer of developed technologies in commodity and specialty chemicals. Our vision is to be a centre of excellence for industrial research and development in chemical engineering and allied processes.
Capacity building programs
Extraction of essential oils, gum resin and oils from oil seeds.
Technology for the manufacture of soaps, detergents and other hygiene products.
Technology for the manufacture of cosmetic products including body creams, lotions & hair products.
Alcohol production technology.
Technology for the processing of wood and metal varnish.
Aloe gel extraction and juice.
Technology for formulation of animal feeds.
Services offered
Common manufacturing facilities.
Capacity building (trainings, workshops, student attachments and internships etc).
Business incubation (product development, improvement).
Consultancy services.
Monitoring and evaluation.
Leather is one of the key areas in which KIRDI is mandated to undertake research and development and technology transfer of the technologies so far developed. The division undertakes research and development and disseminates findings in all aspects of leather technology including machinery for leather, tanning processes, quality control and effluent treatment. Research activities in the division are supported by leather physical and chemical testing laboratory located within the institute.
The division’s main objective is create global partnership for industrial development as articulated in MDG 8. It endeavors to implement the entire relevant requirement under the service delivery chatter as well as activities stipulated in the KIRDI strategic plan and aims at improving the performance of the leather sub sector through enhanced market driven research and technological development.
Vision: To become a world class resource centre in Leather tanning technologies.
Mission: To undertake market driven research that offer solutions to the leather industry.
Areas of competencies
Fish Leather Technology: This involves intensive research in collaboration with UNIDO in fish skin utilisation especially on preservation, tanning and product development.
Leather processing and technologies: Intensive research is on processing and manufacturing processes and improved technologies (through reverse engineering and prototype development) with the aim of improving efficiencies and productivity, as well as value addition and product diversification. The development of the KIRDI’s tanning drum hinges on this technological innovation.
Quality Assurance/Control: This involves laboratory testing and analysis for leather and leather related products so that they can compete nationally and internationally. This helps the tanneries to secure markets for their products since they have access to testing facilities to boost their quality confidence for their clients.
Consultancy: This involves provision of information and skills in areas of competence and expertise. We offer consultancy to KIRDI staff, government and private sector in leather related fields.
Incubation services: This is a process that supports entrepreneurs and start up technology based enterprises in the development, assimilation, absorption, and utilization of requisite technology to accelerate their successful development. Alongside the provision of the technical support, business development support is also provided. In this end the leather division is supporting the Mini tannery concept of establishing mini tanneries in high livestock potential areas of Kenya to add value to hides and skins and boost local employment.
Services and Consultancies
The division carries out the following specialized leather services and consultancies at very competitive fees:
Technology Needs Assessment
Technology Feasibility Studies
Environmental Impact assessments
Environmental control
Energy audit
Process Safety
Project Studies is a division providing support services to KIRDI’s technical divisions and the Kenyan industry generally. It Supports technology transfer and facilitates investment through consultancy on individual, group and community projects. Some of its products include Opportunity Studies, Feasibility Studies, Business Plans, Market Studies, and Rehabilitation Studies.
The division essentially focuses on the following activities:
Supporting R&D activities in the institution through
Preparation for data collection and data analysis
Training on Project planning and research methods
Carrying out economic reviews on productive sectors including Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs).
Undertaking socio - economic surveys before technology transfers are done
Undertaking market and feasibility studies and preparation of business plans,
Undertaking monitoring and evaluation of transferred technologies
The division undertakes collaborative research with other institutions and development partners. It also undertakes consultancies in areas of interest either alone or together with the technical divisions. Consultancies are cost shared with clients according to the institution guidelines on consultancy rates.
Facilities & Resources
ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT & SERVICES Provides specialized engineering and technical support to local Industries in the metal and metal products sub-sector, particularly MSMIs Designing, development and reconditioning tools, dies, jigs and fixtures Designing, development and manufacturing industrial plants and machine prototypes Testing and quality assurance services Training courses in specialized engineering skills Technical Consultancy and extension services to industries LEATHER DEVELOPMENT CENTRE The Institute has a fully-fledged production tannery, and leather good unit and effluent treatment plant. This is intended to facilitate sustainable national growth of the leather industry through technology adaptation and transfer as well as serving as common manufacturing facility services offered include; Capacity building, incubation, and common manufacturing services Development and transfer of new leather technologies and products Training and demonstration of effluent treatment processes Technical consultancy and extension service to industry Exotic leather technologies (Fish, Crocodile, Ostrich, rabbit Leather) Fabrication of turning drums LABORATORY SERVICES CENTRE (LSC) The LSCs mission is to enhance quality and productivity in local industries; with particular focus on MSMIs to enable them attain and sustain international competitiveness. It strength lies in the testing and analysis of water, waste water, food, animal feeds, chemicals, leather, textiles, minerals and related materials. FOOD PROCESSING PILOT PLANTS For availing and promoting the food processing technologies so as to create sustainable live hood for Kenyans, contribute to employment creation and poverty reduction. The processing technologies available include: Fruit and Vegetable Technology Cereal Processing Technologies Roots and Tuber Crops Processing Technologies